Meeting Minutes
Draft Meeting Minutes will be posted here shortly after each regular meeting of the Democrats of Rim Country.
Minutes will be moved to Archives (scroll down) after they are approved at the subsequent meeting.
Minutes will be moved to Archives (scroll down) after they are approved at the subsequent meeting.
Democrats of Rim Country
Minutes of October 13, 2020
Meeting called to order at 4:15 p.m. by Vice President Pat Edelen-Smith.
Minutes for the September 8, 2020 meeting were distributed to members. A motion was made by Ruth Crull, seconded by Chris Tilley to approve the minutes. Motion carried.
Treasurer, Denise VanKeuren reported the balance in the Club account at the end of September was $5818.46. Headquarters rent for October is outstanding. A motion was made by Suzanne Covert, seconded by Ruth Crull to approve the report. Motion carried.
Katie Cottrell, Field Organizer for Gila County, Mission Arizona, was introduced to give an overview of the Get Out The Vote campaign that is ongoing with volunteers making phonebank calls to Gila County Democrats on the Permanent Early Voter List to make sure people will vote on or before Nov. 3, as well as, answer questions and encourage votes for
Joe Biden and Mark Kelly. Katie answered questions from the members.
Larry Bashaw, presented an overview of the Burma Shave projects in Payson. He gave times, locations, and number of people needed and wish to participant. This is a fun nostalgic game for people passing through Payson on the weekends.
Pat gave an update on the door hanger project that DRC and Gila Count Dems will be doing
within the two weeks prior to election day. The door hangers will feature Felicia French and Coral Evans.
Pat distributed a flyer announcing the Women’s March to be held on Saturday, October 17th, from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on the sidewalk fronting Hwys. 87/260. The march is to honor Ruth Bader Ginsberg, her legacy, and to continue her fight for justice. This is open to all women and their allies. Masks and social distancing will be enforced and those who cannot march, bring a chair, and hold a sign. The march will be along 260/87 to Bonita and back.
The DRC needs to form a nomination committee to develop a slate of officers for 2021-22. A sign-up sheet was distributed for members interested in serving on the committee.
President Diane Green is developing a ½ page ad for the Round Up newspaper which will run a week prior to election day. The message will stress different ways to vote and dropping off ballots at the Recorder’s office instead of mailing them.
The DRC will need volunteers to help pack up supplies when the Headquarters closes. Date not yet determined, but will be after the November general membership meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 5 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Covert
Recording Secretary
Minutes of October 13, 2020
Meeting called to order at 4:15 p.m. by Vice President Pat Edelen-Smith.
Minutes for the September 8, 2020 meeting were distributed to members. A motion was made by Ruth Crull, seconded by Chris Tilley to approve the minutes. Motion carried.
Treasurer, Denise VanKeuren reported the balance in the Club account at the end of September was $5818.46. Headquarters rent for October is outstanding. A motion was made by Suzanne Covert, seconded by Ruth Crull to approve the report. Motion carried.
Katie Cottrell, Field Organizer for Gila County, Mission Arizona, was introduced to give an overview of the Get Out The Vote campaign that is ongoing with volunteers making phonebank calls to Gila County Democrats on the Permanent Early Voter List to make sure people will vote on or before Nov. 3, as well as, answer questions and encourage votes for
Joe Biden and Mark Kelly. Katie answered questions from the members.
Larry Bashaw, presented an overview of the Burma Shave projects in Payson. He gave times, locations, and number of people needed and wish to participant. This is a fun nostalgic game for people passing through Payson on the weekends.
Pat gave an update on the door hanger project that DRC and Gila Count Dems will be doing
within the two weeks prior to election day. The door hangers will feature Felicia French and Coral Evans.
Pat distributed a flyer announcing the Women’s March to be held on Saturday, October 17th, from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on the sidewalk fronting Hwys. 87/260. The march is to honor Ruth Bader Ginsberg, her legacy, and to continue her fight for justice. This is open to all women and their allies. Masks and social distancing will be enforced and those who cannot march, bring a chair, and hold a sign. The march will be along 260/87 to Bonita and back.
The DRC needs to form a nomination committee to develop a slate of officers for 2021-22. A sign-up sheet was distributed for members interested in serving on the committee.
President Diane Green is developing a ½ page ad for the Round Up newspaper which will run a week prior to election day. The message will stress different ways to vote and dropping off ballots at the Recorder’s office instead of mailing them.
The DRC will need volunteers to help pack up supplies when the Headquarters closes. Date not yet determined, but will be after the November general membership meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 5 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Covert
Recording Secretary
There was no regular meeting of the Democrats of Rim Country in December, 2019
There was no regular meeting of the Democrats of Rim Country in August, 2019.
There was no regular meeting of the Democrats of Rim Country in May, 2019. Instead, members held their Annual Picnic