We stand for your rights:We are one nation composed of many peoples. Our national strength comes from assuring everyone has equal rights and equal opportunities.
We believe that government must protect our individual liberties and opportunities from foreign and domestic enemies who seek to "own" our beloved America. We acknowledge that the important role of government, however, must be balanced by every citizen's responsibility to make the most of their life, contribute to the common good, and participate in our democracy. We expect our government to be responsive, accountable, transparent, and cost effective. Health Care Affordable and available health care is the right of all Americans to assure stronger families, healthier communities, economic growth, and national security. A comprehensive national healthcare system like the Affordable Care Act, means lower overall costs for America. Without such a system, millions rely on hospital emergency rooms, the most expensive place, and often, the last resort for healthcare. Personal Responsibility We believe that we all bear personal responsibility for ourselves, our families, our communities, and our country. Collectively, we all share in the responsibility of aiding and supporting our neighbors, both in good times and in bad. Education All children have the right of equal access to quality public education that is properly funded by the government at all levels. In a dramatically changing economy, opportunities for re-education must be widely available for those who wish to develop new skills. We expect our children to make the most of their educational opportunities. Diversity Respecting diversity creates national strength, expands communal enrichment, and promotes the common good. Equal Protection & Equal Opportunity We believe in equal protection under the law whereby justice and laws apply to all equally and without discrimination. We believe that equal opportunity in business, employment, education, and housing must exist for all. Democrats condemn intolerance and unfairness in all circumstances. Privacy Justice balances freedom and rights and assures that the rights of one do not extend into the privacy of others. Civil Rights People have the right to pursue justice without fear of repercussion because of religion, race, age, cultural or ethnic heritage, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, income level, social status or political party. Laws must be enforced to adequately guarantee human rights for all persons in our country. Employment We support the right of workers to a safe and secure workplace and to fair compensation that includes a living wage, health insurance, and other benefits. All workers have the right to negotiate with their employers in collective bargaining to create greater security or redress grievances, which in turn creates greater productivity. Economic Security Communities have a vital interest in growing a strong, viable economy for the betterment of individuals, families, businesses and the nation. We support entrepreneurship and community-based business as the cornerstone of American prosperity. We believe that investment in growth and innovation must also provide quality working and workplace conditions. National Deficit The national deficit is unsustainable and must be vigorously addressed, but not on the backs of the middle class or the poor. The tax code must be progressive, fair, and based on one’s ability to pay. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Healthcare For generations Democrats have fought to protect these basic human rights for all our people, and we will continue to protect these rights against any and all who seek to diminish them. These programs assure economic security of the nation. Homeland & Community Security As we support peace and security, we value the courage and strength of those who defend our communities and country. We advocate for sufficient funding, personnel, and technology as well as to preserve the right to privacy even in difficult circumstances. Immigration While supporting the enforcement of boundaries and assuring homeland security, we believe that comprehensive immigration reform must reflect humane practices and fairness to families while valuing the economic and cultural contributions which immigrants make to our communities. Service Members Every service member and veteran deserves our respect and gratitude. Recognizing that psychological, social, and economic issues adversely impact veterans, we advocate aggressive action to address the problems of homelessness, disability, illness, unemployment, and underemployment among veterans. Environment In the face of global warming and a real threat to the future of planet Earth, we are committed to making smart changes in policies related to air, water and land use. We promote innovations that procure and preserve energy sources that do not degrade the atmosphere. The survival of future generations depends on our success in protecting the Earth. Political participation The strength of the nation is undermined by the egregious disparity of wealth among the social economic classes. We must close this ever-widening gap to assure political and economic stability. We oppose the Supreme Court decision, Citizens United , which further undermines social stability by allowing corporations to have undue influence over political processes in the nation. Assure the blessings of liberty… For the continuance of a vibrant democracy, the blessings of liberty can only be assured through the promotion of equality, freedom, personal responsibility, political involvement, entrepreneurship, economic development, providing adequate and effective human services for those who need them, and by guaranteeing the human and civil rights of everyone under the rule of law. |